Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Toe Is Broken??? What????

Ok so several weeks back I was coming out of the bathroom and all I heard was Carter screaming and I went and got him assuming Levi had upset him by taking a toy. Only when I tried to put him back down he wouldn't walk, didn't want down and I noticed the top of he's foot was swelling up..... However by the end of the night he was walking, gimping have you but still he was walking!! Over the next few weeks the swelling would come and go but the gimping was a constant.... Though he doesn't fuss when walking, pardon, Gimping..... And He'll let you touch it, just not for too long...... So today after two weeks of gimping and the fact that it swelled yet again today I called he's doctor. She had me take him right in to the hospital for an x-ray. I thought to my self this is pointless cause if anything were broken he wouldn't be able to walk at all, gimp or no. So we had it taken and by the time I got home she had already called and had left a message...... However now they were closed. But she called back after six!!!! This CANNOT be good I thought to myself as I saw the number on the caller ID! She said he broke he's big toe!!! SNAP-O!!! I was like WHAT????? HOW"S HE WALKING THEN???? She said some babies are just too busy to be bothered with it so they do what ever they have to to keep mobile...That's are Carter to a Tee!! .. Hence the cute little gimp he created. I felt like a horrible mother for not taking him in sooner!!! So now in the morning I have to call an orthopedic..... She said they might make a specialized boot for him to wear, or depending on if it already started to heal back incorrectly, they might have to rebreak it and then set it!!! OYE the mommy guilt pains!!!! Always something around here I tell ya!! So lesson to be learned in all this?? Just because your toddler can still "walk" on it doesn't mean they didn't still break anything!!!! CHECK------ Lesson learned!!!! I'll keep ya posted on the "Big Broken Toe Debacle."

Life after 34 Years of Marriage...........

Yesterday morning Chad called he's mom and dad, who we call mom and pops Kuhn. To see how their day was going, mom had to work all day...Yuck and on the Holiday, (I would of been pissed if it were me, but she didn't complain about it.) Anywhos a conversation took place between them that made Chad and I giggle.........

Mom: Ronald, if you decide to get off your lazy ass today, and the spirit should move you, could you run the vacuum?!

Pops: ****sigh and a huff****

Chad called later in the day around nine, shortly before mom was due back home from work....... Then came to tell me this when he hung up....

Chad: Well the spirit must of moved dad..... He just finished running the vacuum!!! *** Chad laughing****

Me: Wow.... So that's what 34 years of marriage looks like.... Not much different from 4 and a half, huh??? ***now it's my turn to giggle...lol***

*a quick note if you will, Plumb will be on CNN showbiz tonight at 11pm, talking about her song Cut..... Check it out if ya want to.... You know I will be a watchin'!!

Hope everyone had a good weekend..... Peace****

Monday, May 29, 2006

Plumb!!!!! Plumb!!!!!

Words cannot describe the time I had today!!! Not only did we see her and I mean like our seats were literally five feet away from the band! But I got to meet her after the show and we talked for like five minutes, she signed the tee shirt I bought and we shook hands and everything!!! I'm still giddy! Kimmyk you will have a blast when you see her.... She sounds awesome live and she did Stranded!! I got a couple pics before my camera died...Note to self next time charge camera batteries!!! These ones here are of the tour bus!!
We saw her getting out of the bus with her baby son
before the show..... The next ones are of us waiting outside the club to get in....
Isn't my Baby hot?? For real we were hot... It was like 88 degrees out there!! Then of course I had to take one of us together!!! Not only did he take me to see Plumb but we had a day out and by ourselves!!!! I had to document the occasion!!

And finally folks the golden one..... I pic of Plumb on stage!!! I wanted one with her when we met her but my batteries were died by then..... Arrggg...Bummer! But hey I still got to meet her!!! Rockin eye!!! It was the best. And the band that opens for her? Awesome.... There Omnisoul and they're great....It was the best time!! I'm gonna try and get some sleep now...More later..........Peace**********

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Survey of sorts if you will..............

Have any of you girls out there actually used this stuff???? According to one of my magazines I get most women wax or use this on their legs.... I thought most women just shaved their legs. Am I totally out of the loop here??? I would think this would hurt a lot less than waxing, I have my eyebrows shaped by getting them waxed, however that's a lot smaller of an area!!!

I gotta go get some sleep... We're leaving at one tomorrow for shopping and PLUMB!! I'm so kid on Christmas morning excited!!!!!

Friday, May 26, 2006

How Much Longer??............

Ok so as some of you long time readers my remember I decided a few months back to grow my hair out for locks of love. Well its getting to that point where its driving me crazy!!!! That in-between stage where it hangs around your collar and then looks stringing and blah when you try and do anything with it!!! HELP.... I'm really getting an itch to cut it, I need some pep talk here....... Cause I'm "this close" to chopping it!!!!! There's fake wigs out there for the kids right?? No that's not right, I'm gonna do this.... I can do this... I think I can do this.....BUT ARRGG its driving me batty!!

On another note I got my new glasses yesterday!! I wear contacts for the most part.... But I'm beyond blind...Seriously I'm legally blind with out my contacts, hell I even have glasses to wear OVER my contacts for driving and reading!!! For real! But my glasses that I wear when I take out my contacts broke a while back and I had been wearing my old old glasses, my
glasses from high school to be exact. So I finally bit the bullet and got a new pair! Now when I take my contacts out at night and put my glasses on I CAN SEE!!! Imagine that! What do you all think? Do I look smart but naughty at the same time or do I just look like a fugly geek????

Have a good holiday weekend everyone!! Peace******

A Show Just For Sarah.....

So my sister the artist was tracked down by the owner of a Gallery in downtown Columbus to show her work, all her-just her, in her gallery the month of July!!! How exciting is that!! The opening will be the first weekend of July and so it will be open for Gallery Hop!! Chad and I are gonna plan to go down the second Saturday of July, spend the day with her and then go see her showing at the gallery.....Get babysitters so we can really visit and shop at awesome Vintage stores during the day.... I'm pumped about that....I love vintage stores!!!! So anyways big props to my sister Sarah....Ya done good kid!!!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

3 More Days!!!

Three more days untill I see Plumb live!!! I'm so frickin excited!!! So on that note its been a few days since I posted a Plumb song... So here it is!! I know I know try and contain yourselves! This is entitled, "Good Behavior". Let me know what you think!! Peace......

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And The Toes Have It...........

Can we say scary and disturbing?? The Walmart in Tulsa has been having a problem with, get this, a toe licker!!! Apparently some guy is lying under women's cars and waiting for them to come out and while there unlocking or loading up their purchases..... He licks their toes!!! Isn't that gross?? Hopefully they catch this guy soon.... I'm wondering how he's been getting away with out being knocked out. Cause my first reaction to some one licking my toes would be to kick straight out..... How is he not getting the brains kicked out of him??

The next disturbing thing I heard was that American Idol had more votes come in the other night than in any Presidential election!!! Maybe if you could just call in and vote or vote on line, more Americans would vote in the presidential elections.... You know an election that's way more important than who's the next American Idol!!! I mean look what happened the last election! Nuff said.

Now I would also like to post a HNT picture**** I so wish it were me.... I could use a get away with my baby!!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

It's Party Planning Time............

Ok so its party planning time again!! The boys' birthday is June 20th, we're having their party on the 17th. The theme this year is based around their preasent we got for them. It's a Tropical theme, to go with their new pool!!!!! So I made up invitations and colored them and colored palm trees on the back of the envelopes. My mom and I went to The Flower Factory and got all the decorations.... It's gonna look really good I think.... Now as long as it doesn't rain!!! Cross your fingers everyone! I'm contaplating making them a volcano cake, but I'm not sure if I want to mess with it it looks very time consumming! Though I do have to MAKE their cake anyway cause they can't have milk so I make it with rice milk. What do you all think?? Should I attempt it? The party's at my mom and dads house because they have sooo much more space, so that means I'll have to make the cake there as to not lose it all in the transport over there!! Cause my luck, I would!! So thats the party plan.

In other news I called and got the amount of my ticket...are you all ready for this?? Are you sitting down? Ok it was...... 125.00$!!!!!!!! Can you believe that?? I was all are you for real? Man thats alot!! Stupid shitty speed limits, and stupid cops that feel its their job to inforce them!!! WTF???

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Ticket....

So as I said in my comments last night I got a speeding ticket last night!!! Can you believe that? Me! My first ever ticket!! I was on my way home from my mom and dads house, after the boys had ran all over their house!! I was hurry to get them home as it was after their bed time. I was clocked going 46 in a 25..... I know I know..... But to my account NOONE goes 25 on that street!!! However the cop, who was very nice by the way, took my lincese and insurance card, and then the millhole turned into a mountain.......

The officer: Mame are you aware that your plates are expired? When was your birthday?

Me: No I was not aware of that but now that you mention it.... My birthday was in March..... With everything going on with the twins it completely slipped my mind!!

Officer: Did you used to drive a Pontiac Vibe?

Me: Yes It was what I traded off to get this van here.

Officer: Well the plates were never transferred to the van they still come up as the vibe.... Did you not transferred them over?

Me: The dealership that I bought the van from said they'd take care of all that, and I took the memoradum title to the BMV to get the new sticker after we bought the van, shouldn't they have caught that?

Officer: Well I don't know about all that, but you should really get that all fixed...... Ummm well I'll let ya go with a warning on the plates issue, and just site you for the speeding.

Me: OOOOHHHH Thank you sir!!!! I'll be sure and get the plates all straighten out tomorrow!! Thank you....

Officer: Be sure to do that... If you get pulled over again they WILL ticket you..... This is your first ticket? I don't see that you have a record... So I'll just ticket you with the speeding.

Me: Yes its my first ever ticket, so um how do I pay this??

So from there he explained how I call to get the amount and they'll tell me where to send the money, a small fortune I'm sure!! So any way I'm off to the BMV....Yippeee... Maybe you'll here from me before I;m 80! You know how slow the BMV is!!!!!

Monday, May 22, 2006

It's Official.......

Yippee... Today Chad's new job is official! We can tell people and its not then gonna fall through like before. His job moved him up to management and gave him salary, 40,000 a year, which might not sound like a lot, but to us its great!! So he can make that even through the winter and in the summer he doesn't have to work the 70+ hours, cause now he's salary!! So hopefully he'll be able to see the boys more and it'll be easier for him to get out for training and class!! I'm so proud of him, and really excited! He's all excited cause now he has a new title something like "CLC". So now he gets business cards! He's way cute about that!! Gotta go work on the boy's birthday party invitations.... I'll tell ya all about that later!!! Peace*****

Sunday, May 21, 2006


This is disturbing on so many levels. How do you even start to make a movie like that? Ok maybe a drama with a romance mixed in...but a romantic comedy?? It's just sick and wrong. Period.


I'm reading this book, by Dctalk, entitled "Under God". Its a great collection of short true history stories, Christian or not its really good. It's great accounts of history that I can assure you you didn't learn in school, and much better written than a history text book! I don't know about your school, but every year we started at the same place in history and never got any further. We barely learned about WWII, and until I graduated, and took it upon myself to learn, never knew about the Janpanese confindment camps that we had here during WWII. We never learned about the Korean war or The Vietnam war. How sad is our educational system? And I went to what around here is considered one of the best school systems!! So anyhow I was amazed when I read about Lynchings in this book. Lynchings were done after the civil war by the hands of a mob that had taken the law into their own hands, to maintain power over the African Americans. Lynchings were hangings often including burning, torture, and dismemberment, to prolong suffering. Many were for unproven and invented offences. They would even put an advance notice in the news paper and families would attend! So disturbing.... It soon became a social recreation rather than a punishmet for crime. The eye awaking part of all this?? In 1883 they recorded the most Lynchings at 130 that year. However, as short back as 1942 there were 6, and in 1959 there were 1!!!! And there could've of been even more as alot went unreported! I couldn't believe it. That's not that long ago... Hell my dad was almost in High school! It just opened my eyes to yet another thing that our school system didn't teach us!!

How was your school history courses? Did you learn about all the wars and civil rights facts?? Nothing gets me more fired up than racial injustice and civil rights!

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Well how do you all like it??? I worked really hard on it, spending waayy to much time on it really!! But as I got into it and it was getting hair pullin complicated.... Well then it just became a personal mission!!! Did I mention I have a bit of a stubborn streak? Let me know what ya think........ Peace****

Friday, May 19, 2006

CutHere is one of my favorite Plumb songs of all time... "Cut", it too is off of the new cd Chaotic Resolve. This is an example of why I love her so much... she writes songs with a message and a meaning that help bring awareness to issues... "Damaged" is another one of my favs for that reason, I'll try to remember to post that one as well in the next few days or so. Enjoy!!

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I Gotta Say It........

I just gotta say it.... I'm getting very tired of Bush... President that is!! I was watching "The situation with Tucker" last night on MSNBC... Something I like to watch but it always serves to get me fired up! Bush is wanting to give amnesty to the illegal aliens that are already here... An estimated 12 million!! WTF?? This is suppose to be are go get em president, going after the "faceless cowards"? Let me remind you mister president that the "cowards" that carried out 9/11 were already here!! In the country.... But hey whatever lets just let all of them stay no questions asked!!! WTF?? I have nothing against you wanting to come to our country and become a citizen, but they should have to go through the correct procedures.... Talk about protecting the homeland......

Also was the debate about wanting to make English the USA's official language and activist, especially Latino activist were saying that doing that is racist! Pardon me?? You don't see any body telling Spain they're racist cause Spanish is they're national language!! Again I say WTF?? These same activist are pushing for a 14 million dollar tax program that will build Spanish speaking learning centers so that they're children can be taught in their language...... Umm you all came to live here and you know that we speak English here!! Should we cater to them?? Should we have Spanish speaking learning centers here in America??? What do you all think.........................

Thursday, May 18, 2006


HHNT everyone! Like my "bare" foot?? LOL.... Hope everyone has a good day!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Baby Gear.... Are You For Real???

This shit is for real, I was browsing some baby sites this afternoon and came across this stuff!! First off is a battery powered toothbrush!! This is like a 6 month old baby who probably has one little half tooth... Is this necessary??
I'm sorry But I do not want this contraption in my bathroom! We have one bathroom that is probably 6x6 and this is the last thing I'm gonna try and make room for!!
This bothers me on so many levels.... Hear me out, isn't it better to train them on the real potty so they get use to it, cause our potties don't make cool train noises when ya go!!! Though I'm sure Chad would like it too!!! And again where do you put such a thing? I've had other moms tell me to put the "little" potty in the living room so its around. Ummm yeah I don't think so. The "real" potty doesn't sit in the middle of the living room, and I'm sure guest will like it when they come over to a potty in the middle of the living room that I didn't know was used!! Or poop art done by the oh so famous Kuhn Twins!!
Ok really, most strollers come with canopies and even if they don't is this really needed?? How ridicules does this look??
It's little things like this that are for the parents that have more money than sense!! Knee pads?? Please!! Eventually they'll have to toughen those little knees up!!
And finally I will have you all know that my tub will NEVER look like this!! Come on now, I need at least one place in my small place that's not overrun with baby toys!! Mom needs at least one refuge from the madness!! I view my bathroom as my only "get away from it" spot, even if I'm not actually "going" I'm still "in the bathroom" there for I cannot come to you at that moment!! It's my oasis, sad huh, this is what life has come to, I'm regarding my bathroom as an oasis!!

Hellwwoo.... From Levi and Carter.....

Mooned ya!!! Hehehe.... Man I'm cute!!!
I know I'm cute daddy but do we have to take my picture now?? Can't I eat in peace? **this is Levi's scary little kid picture, Chad and I think he looks possessed or something!***
I'm still a little under the weather, but I let daddy take a little pic of me!!
Me Carter!! I had orange jello for lunch and I did a really good job of smearing it all over my face!! See?
This is me Levi showing mommy how I can march!! How cute am I? Man I'm telling ya I have to fight the girls off with a stick!!
Me Levi again.... Helllwwoo all you gals out there!! Don't ya just want to eat me up??
Don't bother me I'm watching Jack and twitchin, that's what I do when I get excited I twitch!!
It's me Carter!! I'm showing of my chest!! What ya think gals???
Mommy loves to tickle me, I'm Carter, for those who still need a little help. I can't help but belly laugh when mommy tickles me which only makes her keep doing it.... She can't get enough of my giggles!!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Plumb, Baby...........

Ok so I've been getting a lot of questions about who Plumb is and I feel its my civic duty to introduce you to her music!! I'll post a song every couple of day up until the concert in honor of going..... That way you all can get acquainted with her as well!! This is the song "Better" off of her latest CD entitled Chaotic Resolve. The best line in the whole song? "Face to face your sweet like candy stickin to my teeth, but underneath so damaging" That pretty much sums of some people in my or who use to be in my life!! Hope you like it.... I'll post another really good one tomorrow!! Peace*********

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Monday, May 15, 2006

So freakin spankin excited.......

Yippee Skippee, Shakin' Spankin'**** I'm so excited I can barely contain myself!! I'm going to see Plumb!!!!!! My most favorite band ever!! I've been listening to her since I was in High school!! She's coming to Pittsburgh on the 28th, so Chad and I are making the two hour trip. I'm so excited!!

Mother's day was cool, the boys bought me the Cosby show on DVD.... Too cute!! I made my mom and Chad's mom baskets with popurie in them****see pictures****....... I wired on the flowers and then sewed them on in the middle, I was quite shocked at my artsy fartsy moment!! They turned out pretty good, don't ya think??

Also waiting with bated breath to hear what Chris (from American idol) will do. He's been contacted by Fuel to be their new lead singer, wondering what he'll do. Hook up with them or go out on he's own.... What do you think he should do??

And as mentioned before, Grey's was crazy last night, can't wait to see what happens to night during the two hour finale, I know I'm such a geek!!!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Grey's... I can't take it!!

Ok Hello?? You can not kill Denny and what's with Dr. Burke getting shot down??? I am sooo sitting infront of my boob tube tomorrow night from 9 till 11!!!! I can't take this... Stupid tv show, I can't believe I got so attached!!! AARRGGGHHH......................

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Did You Know.....Facts For Thought*******

A couple little facts for thought, these are "pillow talk" facts if you will, so don't say I didn't warn ya all ahead of time!!!

Need to relax? Just have sex, according to a study done at the University of Paisley in Scotland. They found women and men who had sex upto two weeks before a stressful event were less nervous and anxious, and had lower blood pressures during the stressful ordeal than those who didn't get some!!! You can't argue with the researchers and doctors!!! Its gotta be better for you than narcotics!!

The average male is 5.9 inches erect, however most men surveyed thought they were 8.7 inches!!!! Wow we sure think a lot of ourselves, don't we gentlemen?? To make you feel better about excepting your true self, 82% of women say they're most satisfied with 6 inches. So embrace your size guys, we like you just the way you are!!

So where do you do the deed?? 50% have had sex in a car..... 39% in a bathroom.... 36% in a parent's bedroom.... 31% in a park.... And 2% on an airplane. Guess that's why parks close at dusk huh??

Who kisses and tells the most?? The average number of friends a women calls to talk about sleeping with someone the first time....Three. The average number a man calls....Three!! So I guess we're not the only sex that gossips and blabbers.... Now are we??

The average American woman's bra size is 36C, up from a 34B ten years ago, experts say its due to weight gain.... Oh shut up! I guess our extra couple pounds are too bad now are they gentlemen??

There you go some facts to ponder.... You can read more in the June issue of Glamour, that's were I got these nice little tidbits!! Hope everyone has a great weekend........

Friday, May 12, 2006

The Letter "N"...................

Ok so I got this off of KimmyK's blog. If you want to play let me know in a comment and I'll give you a letter. The rules are, you take the letter given to you, mine N, and you have to come up with 10 words that start with that letter and pertain to your life in some way. Here goes mine...............

Nicu*** There's not a day goes by that I don't thank God for the wonderful nurses and doctors of the nicu that helped safe my babies.

Naps*** Thank God for naps.... When they take them that is!

Nails*** I try to be tough as nails, sometimes I succeed and sometimes I don't, I also like that its nails that saved me.

Night*** I always have the most energy at night, that's when most of the my work gets done... And its when most fun is had!!

Newsweek*** There was a time not so long ago I looked forward to getting Cosmo and Glamour in the mail, now I look forward to getting my Newsweek.... Does that make me a nerd??

Net*** Without the internet I wouldn't be able to sell on ebay and amazon to get a little extra cash to help out around here, I also wouldn't be able to blog... Which has become a sort of therapy for me I fear! And basketball is the only sport in which I get and enjoy watching....Did the Cav's win last night? Anyone??

Noggin*** Thank heavens for the Noggin channel!! Yes I am one of those mothers who lets my children be entertained by the oh so horrible TV!! But at least its Noggin right??

Nudes*** I just love nude photograph, especially black and white.... There's just something that draws me in, the truth the simplicity, its just beautiful.

Nancy*** Geek in me number two? I like to play the Nancy Drew computer games! I haven't played in a while but I'm gonna get back to it soon, there so much fun. And those 12 year olds on the help message boards are some smart bitches!!! They amaze me!

Naughty*** Am I???

Well there you have it folks... If ya wanta play let me know.....

The Time Bomb............

So I've been holding Levi as if he's a ticking time bomb, set to "go off" any minute!! I can Handel the runs, I can Handel poop smeared on the walls, but I CANNOT take throw up!! It literally make me gag!! I had to walk out of the room at one point yesterday I felt bad leaving there, but I needed a moment to regroup and phone in reinforcements!! I caught him looking at me yesterday, as I was holding him like a time bomb, and he looked as if he was saying, "What's your problem mama? I just don't feel good." Man he's big ole sad eyes can melt your heart, then he sprews all over the place and it kinda ruins the moment!

I don't think I'm gonna win any award for mother of the year, a shame really as I was looking forward to beating out Sharon Osborn or some other great mother!!! Hehehe, humor is the only thing getting me through this!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I Can't Take It Anymore... Save Me!****

Puke, puke, everywhere puke puke!!! Levi has the flu or roto virus or something they're not sure yet.... But he can't even keep down water!!! Oye what a day!! Today I had dreams of my pre-mother life when I only had to hear about puke not have to clean it up and wear it!! Does that make me a bad mother???

Artfull HNT**************

HHNT!! This time a piece of art by none other than the most talented artist today... My sister Sarah!! She does an online comic called Rocketfuel, about her life and life with her husband John,,,, Its great and sooo funny, check out the link to the right!! Have a good day everyone!!!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

BULLSHIT with a capital WTF????................

This is complete and utter Bullshit!! Why?? Chris was the best one out of all of them, why is he the one going home? I was so shocked I almost choked on my own spit!!! I know I have no life, and yes I'm another one of those American Idol junkies.... But come on for real... WTF!!!!!! And not to step on any toes out there, but it should of been Elliot! He has a good voice, not stellar and he has absolutely NO stage presence, I think he's sooo boring. And not to sound mean but I personally feel he's only getting a sympathy vote, he's deaf in one ear and he's mom's dying, which is horrible and I feel for him, but that does not an American Idol make!! I'm just saying!! I pissed!!! Chris it should've been you the whole way!! You were robed man!!!!

UMMM Yeah No, Not What I Had In Mind.....

Ok yeah no not my idea of a very flattering piece of fashion!! This is faugly and for real I can't move it at all!!! Ugghhh..... FYI.... Couldn't there be like some kind of color to this horrible thing? It's like a torture device. I can move most of my fingers though just not my thumb, so Have no fear, so far I can still type!! I made sure of that.....

therapist: I'm gonna make this splint to fit your arm, so it will completely immobilize it.

Me: Ummm, well will I be able to type? Cause you see I have this blog.... And well I NEED to be able to blog, I like to think people count on it, look forward to it a bit if you will.....

therapist: Aaaa UMM Ok, yeah you should be able to type, it will just take some getting use to cause you won't be able to use your thumb.

Me: Sweet.........

So there ya have it. I didn't want ya all to miss!!! lol..... Chad said he'd try and posh it up a bit for me.... I'm scared to think what he'll do!! I'll try and post a pic after the makeover as well!!!

A Trip To The Orthopedic...........

Ok so Monday was my appointment with Dr. Howell the orthopedic for my wrist pain I've been suffering from..... Turns out it's de Quervians Disease.... It's with the tendons in the base of my thumb connecting with my wrist.... OUCH!! Its very painful especially when you have 25 pound twins to cart around!! The doctor however was the coolest I've been to in a long time!! Very personal very down to earth..... He did some movement test and the he started feeling my wrist and thumb joint...........

Dr. Howell: (feeling around the joint and pushing in areas): Does this hurt?

Me:(biting my lip in pain): "Ummm YEAH!!

Dr. Howell: "This is the tendon here it's inflamed so much that it's popped out of th bone cavity, that's what this painful bump is you felt, I'm surprised you're moving it at all!!!

Me: " Well I have a VERY high pain tolerance and Twins to take care of"

Dr, Howell: ( still pushing around) : "Does this hurt?" (push, Twist, Push)

Me: " I'm about to hit you!! Ooowww, damn! Are you done yet? For real about to hit you!!"

Dr. Howell: (chuckling): " Wouldn't be the first time!!"

Me: "You probably enjoy this don't you?"

Dr. Howell: "Your a pistol, a smart ass I can tell, it's cute"

Me: "Aww thanks Dr. Howell, that's the best compliment anyone's paid me in a long time!!"

Yes its weird but the best thing you can compliment me on is to say I'm a smartass or a pistol, I strive for that quality!!! lol..... Any way I go to therapy today, twice a week for three weeks. They're splinting, this splint thing better be fab I don't want some utterly dowdy looking thing!!! And then after that I go back to the doc for a shot of cortisone in the joint.... Oh joy Oh fun, Hot dog!!!! Long term if none of that keeps it in control He said they do a surgery to try and ease the pain....... Yippee Skippee, Hot damn sign me up!! I know, I know, Sarcasm is another virtue of mine******

Well that's all for now***** Oh wait, Levi had he's follow up CT scan on Monday, and alls clear!!!! Yeah!! They said well just have to watch him now.... We were so excited, best early Mother's day gift I could get!! Peace All*************

Monday, May 08, 2006

Our New Ride And Our Day In The "Outside"..........by Levi and Carter....

This is our new ride!! Ya like?? Cheaper on gas and a little exercise for mamma as well.....
Daddy helping us check out our new ride....Ya like?
Mommy strappin us in to go take our first ride.... She says its a very unflattering pic, but we're not sure what she means by that!
This is me, Levi, studying my surroundings.... Mommy says I'm quite the scholar.....
Still studying though I thought I'd give all the girls out there a good shot of my oh so cute dimples!! How yoouu doin'??

This is me, Carter, I'm way to busy for such things as photos!! Gotta go now.............

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Married? How Could Ya Tell..............

So the other night Chad got home from work around nine and we were in the kitchen... We caught up on each other's day and he talked to he's mom and dad on the phone and what not. And then a conversation took place which just solidifies the fact that yes... We are an ole married couple!!!

Chad: (huggin me) "Want to mess around?"
Me: "Isn't your ultimate fighter show about to come on?"
Chad: " Naw it's not on for twenty minutes!! Hell we'd even have time to cuddle!!"
Me: (with an eyebrow raised and a giggle) "You do know I'm gonna have to blog about this right??"

***********Nineteen Minutes Later*******************************

Chad: "See, one minute till show time!!!"
Me: "Good planning honey!!"

Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury..... It's no question what you should do here, do the right thing and convict them of .......... Marriage in the second degree!!!!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Good News For You Men Out There........

For all you boob men out there.... Listen up!! There's good news, according to recent research the average chest size of Chinese women is up by nearly 1 cm around!! They think its due to better nutrition, but I thought the Chinese ate the healthiest??? I'm confused.... Apparently its even stressful on bra sales women Zhang Jing, she was quoted in Newsweek as saying, " It's so different from the past, when young women would wear A- or B- cup bras"..... Well it might be but I'm sure the men are rejoicing!!!

In other news David Copperfield was mugged in west palm beach, however he used slight of hand to conceal he's cell phone, passport, and wallet, when the muggers asked him to empty his pockets. He called it " Reverse Pickpocketing". Now that's one magic trick I think he should be required to share with the rest of the public!!! He has a responsibility to help protect the rest of us.... Don't ya think???

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I Have A Crush...........

I know, I know!! I don't know what it is, but I think Katherine Mcphee on American Idol is just gorgeous!!! Chad and I both have a crush on her!!!


Flustrated..... Tired..... So this spoke to me....

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

You Gotta Do What?.... Part 2

Well that was oh so fun!! They tell you before you go that its just little shocks you would even feel them...... Yeah um ok!! Once your in there in the little gown that ties in the back...don't even get me started on that..... The doctor comes in and tell you its no the most comfortable procedure!! Oh that's comforting coming from a Doctor. They shock you alright, they shock you in several places all up and down your arms until your jumps and twitches and then they move to the next spot!!!! It was not a great feeling.... And the "Little needle" they said they'd stick in the muscle? What they fail to tell you is that its in five different spots on your arm, both arms, and that once in there they move it all around to get the reading and then pull it out and stick it in the next spot!!! I must admit I did some lip biting on a few of those!!! Just wanted to update you all and to warn you if your Doctor ever feels the need to do one of these on you..... RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You Gotta Do What?.........

So today I have to for into my neurologists for a test called an "EMG". I was diagnosed when I was 15 with FM...More on that later..... However in the last couple months I've been having sever wrist pain in the joint of my thumb connecting to my wrist, you follow?..... Any way he ran some blood work and he also wants this test. Get this? Apparently they hook you up to electrodes and shock the muscles in this case in my arms.... And then they insert a needle into my muscles to record the muscle and nerve activity when at rest and when contracted. Doesn't that just sound kick in the ass fantastic??? I can hardly wait....Read the sarcasm dripping from my typed words.......
I'll let ya all know how it went when I get back.....


Tuesday, May 02, 2006


If you'd look up the word trouble in the dictionary you would see this by the definition!! Nuff said............

Monday, May 01, 2006


It's like I'm that fourteen year old girl naive and innocent.
I've never grown up.
Time stopped at the violence you imposed.
Some say I've changed I've just grown inside myself.
I've seen the anger of the world through you eyes.
But I was not scared.
I just sat there knowing it wasn't your anger.
You said my eyes stopped you.
You said they reminded you of an angel's.
May you always see my eyes, the next time you think to harm another.