Sunday, March 04, 2007


Good In Theory is moving. Its been grand here, but its time for some change. Come follow me on over loves.....

Saturday, March 03, 2007

It's All So Frustrating...

Before I had kids I was told how expensive they are.

They are.

However unhealthy kids are EXPENSIVE.

It sucks, its not like we have a choice to do the treatments or not to.

I’m trying to get some help with the cost through different federal programs for chronically ill children, however they take 4-6 months to hear if they even accept the application!!

4-6 months?? What about now?

And the hoops you have to go through to even apply. I’m told they make it so difficult to apply and have the waiting period to see if you’re really serious.

Hello? We’re taking about sick children here…

Friday, March 02, 2007

Oh Yeah He So Owes Me...

Would you like to know how my weekend alone started? Well buckle your seat belts, because it started out with a BANG.

This morning after Chad took off the boys were playing nicely in their room. I checked on them and they were playing with their puzzles the phone rang and I went to get it. Ten minutes [TOPS] later I go back to check on them and they had gotten a bottle of sun block out of the changing table drawer and it was everywhere.

Lotion smeared all over the floor, I went a flying on my ass when I walked in, lotion smeared all over their beds, all over their clothes in the armoire. A mess….

Well while they ate lunch I went in and cleaned it up. I thought I got it all until a little while later Carter was in there and I hear screaming I run in to find sun block all rubbed into his eyes up his nose and in he’s mouth!! I hurry to clean it all off him and get it out of he’s eyes.

At this point I have no idea how much he may have swallowed, if his eyes are going to be all right, they’re all puffy and reddish purple. So I call the doctor to get an opinion… that was to call Poison Control. So I do. Dave that was his name, tells me that the concern was more of the eyes. So this is what he had me do.

I was to do a “medical eye flush”. I was to wrap him in a towel mummy style and hold him down flat in the tub and take a cup of warm water and pour it his eyes for 15 minutes. Boy was that fun!!

Then I had to call my buddy Dave back at the Poison Control and update him and get further instructions. Which is to watch him and make sure he didn’t scratch his eye to where an infection would sit in, which for him would be bad.

So that is how my weekend alone started. If this is any indication of the rest of the weekend…I’m in for one looong long weekend!!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

All By Myself...

Well Chad has left me.

For the weekend that is.

He will be gone till Sunday.

I’m a little nervous.

Chad’s been away on weekends before, but not since we’ve been here.

In this house in this new neighborhood.

By myself.

Does anyone want to keep me company for the weekend?