Monday, March 27, 2006

The Waiting Game..........

Ok so, I was looking through a Magazine today waiting for the doctor to call me back....And I was once again irritated. They had in their "Must Have" Fashion section a night gown, that was beautiful, but it was 595.00!! I just sat there shaking my head.... 595.00 for ONE night gown??? If you spend that kind of money on ONE night gown than you have more money than since! I don't mean to offend anyone here, but honestly now 595.00 for ONE night gown IS offensive!!!

Back to the "waiting for the doctor to call me back" thing mentioned above........ Why is it that when you are waiting for the doctor to call you back you can't do anything constructive? I mean as a stay at home mom with twins that have an immune defincency, I'm always at home and always have plenty to do!! But now that I'm here waiting on this phone call I feel trapped in my house, I can't get any work done.....I'm just in waiting mode. Which if you know me but at all, you know that I HATE that mode!!!! There's nothing worse than feeling as though you have waited around all day for a phone call or for someone to show up... Just waiting is exhausting. I'm soo tired and I haven't done a damn thing all day!! Wait... Does this blog entry count?

Any way Levi has started with a stuffy running nose with as the doctor calls it "green discharge" and today spiked a fever once again.... Of course he has been of he's fourth round of antibiotics and prenosione for two full days now, so that's about the right timing!! We are at the point now that I need answers and something needs to be done... I don't want him to constantly be on antibiotics and steroids! So as I have mentioned before, I'm waiting on the doctor to call back......UGGGHHGG....................


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waiting on the doc always sucks, I hope he feels better soon.

That price for a nightgown is insane. Even half that amount is just silly. Now, shoes...I could understand. (I have a bit of a shoe issue some say, bastards.) But for that price, that nightgown better do ALL kinds of things for me...including call me the next day, yanno what I'm sayin?

7:27 AM  
Blogger Kate Michele said...

For Real girlfriend!!!

9:22 AM  

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