Thursday, March 23, 2006

The 10:00 News..........

Ok so a couple of days ago at a high school up in Cleveland somewhere these white girls wrote some graffiti on a bathroom wall..... What did they write? Something to the effect of "all blacks will die at 12 O'clock"!!! Horrible right? So of course since Columbine every threat is taken seriously so parents came to pick up there kids and take them out of school. This is the comment however that started me yelling at the TV.......When the news interviewed the cop that happened to be white he says...And I quote...."I don't think the girls knew the gravity of their words"........What the Hell!!!!!!!!!?????? They're in HIGH School!! They knew exactly the gravity of their words they just didn't think they'd get caught!!! If we want the youth of America to start to step up then when need to give them credit for the good and the bad they do. You can't say that a 14 year old is adult enough to be tried as an adult in court for murder, but that a 16 year old isn't mature enough to know the gravity of their words, especially hate words!! It just irritated me to know end!! They knew, they knew, they knew............. Case closed.

On a different subject: Thanks everyone who commented on my little survey I really appreciate it, and you can still comment if you didn't already!! Oh and just to be fair I'll answer as well: It was I who said it first. It was received with a big smile a great Kiss and an "I Love You" right back.

until Next Time.........Peace~~~~~~~~~


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