Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I Have Fallen Prey............

I have fallen prey to the pop culture that is American Idol!! I usually do not get into modern TV shows.....Preferring instead great classics like The Mary Tyler Moore Show!! Though I do like my Law and Order SVU!! But this Idol thing has just gotten me!! All I have to say is that Chris is winning it....All the way...You heard it here first the man can't go wrong!!!

I have also fallen prey to looking forward to getting my weekly Newsweek....How old am I right? I like keeping up on the issues and It also gives me a reason to feel better about myself in the midst of all the stupid people out there!! For instance the hot issue of the moment on reversing Roe V. Wade......... Now I am Strongly pro-life therefore strongly for it. And think the reversal shows that finally things are gonna in the right direction. I always thought it odd that if you kill a women who is pregnant than you are going down for not one but two murders..... But women can have abortions and that's not murder? It's just a double standard in my opinion. The law says its because the mother has the choice rather to terminate and if killed she doesn't...But the killer also has the choice rather to murder that women and when he does that's murder that's a crime....I see no difference. And who are you even if you are the mother to say that the child doesn't get a chance at life? God may have a plan for that little one and your steppin in the way for your own selfish reasons..... Yes its your body and your choices, but you should of thought about that and your sitsuation before having sex. It's your choice what you do with your body... Not another's!! And a baby has a heart beat at 4 weeks...... You don't even know you're pregnant until 5 or 6 weeks....... I rest my case.

Until next time....Peace~~~~~~~~


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