Friday, February 10, 2006

Hard Week................

This week has been a really stressful and hard week for us. We have a lot going on, a lot of things which are emotionally and mentally draining. The boys have been extremely fussy this week...Their getting both of their top molars and started throwing temper tantrums!! Oh fun for us!!! Chad and I have been stressed with all kinds of grown up things.....The stress is just making me exhausted and emotionally on edge. I've had medical collection agencies calling this week wanting me to send them more money...Too stressful...Apparently you can't just send them 5.00. They mandate a certain minimum amount that you're required to pay each month or they'll turn you in! Most are sitting it at 30.00!!! We have 14 med bills...You do the math!!!!!!!!! So we've been having a VERY hard week. Its testing us as a family and as a couple...But we've gotten use to it!! As my Dad says we've been through more in four years of marriage than most couples their whole lives.....So will get through it. It's just harder for me this time because now we have little ones. I'm scared we won't have the money to let them do the things they want to do or get the things they need...Right now its shoes...And I feel as though I'm failing them. Because of a medical condition I have and the high cost of day care me working is not an option....And of course now with their medical condition they're not to be in daycare anyway. So its hard with only one income at 13 something an hour with NO overtime. It's been a hard week and I'm sorry this isn't much of an uplifing post but it feels good to be able to get it out a little. Thanks.

Ok and I promise that this weekend I will update the boy's picture blog!! And I will let ya all know when I do.....They got their haircut......Something that was way overdo!....So they look even cuter...If you can imagine that's even possible!!! Until next time.....Peace.............


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