Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Another tag!! Enjoy!!

I've been tagged by Stacy Marie!! Here's my answers though not nearly as exciting as her's:

Four jobs you’ve had in your life:
1. Fashion bug
2. Unizan bank teller
3. Mortgage Loan Processor
4. Stay at home mom--the best and most rewarding!

Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. Forrest Gump
2. Center Stage
3. The Life of David Gale
4. Life is a House

Four places you have lived:
1.Canton. Oh
2.Louisville, Oh
4. ----

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. Law and Order SVU
2. Dog The Bounty Hunter
3. Sex in the City
4. Intervention

Four places you have been on vacation:
1. Mertle Beach
3. Columbus, Oh
4. Kentucky

Four websites you visit daily:
1. All blogs linked at the right
2. Ebay
3. Yahoo news
4. Pay Pal

Four of your favorite foods:
1. Mexican--anything
2. Ice Cream
3. Bread---any of it!!
4. Veggie Pizza

Four places you would rather be right now:
1. Sleeping
2. Columbus with my sis
3. Italy
4. New York City

Four bloggers you are tagging:
1. every blogger I know has either given me the tag or has been tagged with it!!


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