Saturday, January 07, 2006


So last night femmie and i are watching are favorite show of all time sex and the city...and its the one were carrie starts dating the Russian. And shes talking about hows too romantic and too much. And How american women don;t know how to respond to romance. Here;s my so called theory on this subject and my personal feelings............ We as women are constitanly shown want men think is attractive or at least what the media says their attractive to, so we as unsecure women know we don;t measure up so when a complament is paid or a romantic geasture is extended we think its a joke or a gross come on or their just "being nice". I for one would love my husband to go out of he's way to be romantic but I can't even take his complaments serious!! I either laugh thinking he's joking or just say "whatever" cause I think he's just being nice. How did we get to this point? Is it just me or are other women feeling the same way. Why are we so insecure? Is it really all the media's fault or is something inside us? As carrie says, "I couldn't help but wonder...are we romance intolerant?"

I know you are itching to hear more of my views on this subject, but I'm leaving it up to you now....comment on your views on this subject I'd love to hear what other women think!! Thats all for now.....Later.........


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