Monday, October 02, 2006

The Name Game….

When I was pregnant and still under the assumption I was normal [first mistake really] and having one baby, we sat around and thought of names. Chad was dead set on the name Levi. I wasn’t so keen on it and prayed it would be a girl. [Though now I can’t imagine Levi’s name being anything but Levi..]

Then came the fateful first ultrasound at 18 weeks where we found out what we expected all along, that no I was not normal …. We were having twins! And both were boys too…. So we decided it would only be fair to each get to name one. Of course Chad stuck to his Levi name. I however took a lot longer to come up with my name. I’m a horrible decision maker!!

We all know what happened in the end and now I must bare the wrath of my choice. The first time the comment was made was truly the first time it had crossed my mind. Let me set it up for you…

Stranger/commenter: “Ohhhh How cute are they twins?”

Me: “Yes’

Stranger/commenter: “Are they identical? They look Identical.”

Me: “No”

Stranger/commenter: “really? Wow… What are their names?”

Me: “Levi and Carter”

Stranger/commenter: “Who’s who?” [This one gets Me. what’s it matter to them?]

**I point**

And then here it comes. The dreaded comment…

“Wow so like they can have their own name on their clothes…you know Levi’s and Carter’s brand…that’s sooo cute that you did that!”


That was NOT my intention at all!! I named Carter after my grandmother’s maiden name…. Not the clothing brand. And I believe Chad named Levi, Levi because … Well who knows, you all would have to ask him!
Naming is hard enough as it is. People always have a problem with some names cause they knew someone with that name and they were a jerk or something…. I went through the same thing. I can never name a kid Richard because that was the name of a kid in my fifth grade class that was thrown out of DARE class because he was caught huffing glue!!

I couldn’t name them Brain, though I like the name, cause I dated a Brain and I feel there’s just something wrong with that, same goes for the names Ryan, Kent, Jesse, Andy, Adam, Chris, Jon…I’ll stop you get the gist.

Then you get into nicknames. Now I have always liked the name Anthony, Carter was very close to being an Anthony, however I do not like the name Tony… So I didn’t name him that in fear that people would shorten it to Tony. I had a very bad life altering experience with a Tony, hence why I don’t like it.

Then you also have the weigh ins from others as well about the name you are thinking about. Naming a child is NOT easy and I fear it’s one of those damned if you do damned if you don’t situations.

As for the girl names I liked…I’m not going there because I’ve been told their all weird!!

I rest my case.


Blogger Barbara said...

There is a brand of clothing called "Cater"? The first thing that i think of is former president Carter:)

I do think of Jeans with "Levi" though..still it's a cool name:)

9:18 AM  
Blogger SJ said...

My friend went through the same thing with their kid, Hikingboot :)

5:33 PM  
Blogger gloria said...


I am not one to brag, I named the boy-one after a 90210 character!!


6:27 PM  
Blogger ysfb said...

I just think of that scene from The Ringer where Johnny has to give them his name and his uncle gives him the name Jeffy, Jeffy Dahmer.

6:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anthony is a great name. But I don't like Tony either. Most of the time, people are nice enough to ask if I prefer 'Anthony' or 'Tony' and I always ask for Anthony.

I'm not sure why, but I think Tony is just too ethnic, ya know? Besides, my name isn't Tony.

Anthony was my grandfather's name.

8:33 PM  
Blogger kimmyk said...

I wanted to name Abbie Summer but Jamie had a fit.

I have a cousin named Levi and I've always thought that was a cool name for a boy. It's rugged. Like probably your son. Carter is a strong name too.

8:37 PM  
Blogger Rafael said...

We went through a similar thing with my son's name. We were thinking Cameron at first when we were all not wanting to know the sex. But then, the more we talked the more we realized that Cameron sounds a lot like camaron, which means shrimp in Spanish. Then, during an ultra sound she figured out we were having a boy, so we named him Alexander.

8:59 AM  
Blogger Lydia said...

I have a friend who works at a dentist office in a small town. As she was seating a patient one day the woman said, "I just have to tell you that I hate the name you chose for your daughter, it is just awful!" What the hell did she care, and why did she HAVE to tell her?

I have two sons. The first is named Hunter because I liked the name. The second is Remington after my great grandmother (I have her first name and he has the last name.) I thought we would get a lot of Remington Steele jokes, which we do, but I didn't realize that Remington is a brand of guns used for hunting. Hardeharhar. Huntert and Remington. People always ask if we are going to name a daughter Arrow, or Winchester and call her Winnie. In fact a couple of my uncles call Remi Mowser. It never ends.

11:16 AM  
Blogger Mind Sprite said...

At least you didn't want to name your daughter Traviata, like my dad did.

I like Levi and Carter. I think they're good names.

12:32 PM  
Blogger Rafael said...

Mowser, that's funny

10:26 PM  
Blogger ... said...

I have a friend that calls their son by his first and middle name all the time. She and her husband couldn't agree on a name, so he is called John Connor at all times. First thing my husband said (and I am sure many others have too) is "isn't that the name of the character in Terminator?"...I almost kicked him.

Of course, he doesn't understand the whole name thing, he grew up with a normal run of the mill name, unlike me who has a very unique name that means another word is several latin languages. You don't know how many times in my life, I have had someone ask me if I know what my name means..."yeah buddy, I am thirty six and you are the first person to tell me.." what do you think?

12:25 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

hehe - i'm not normal either. my twins names both start with j and end with a. my eldest's name starts with v and ends with a. all three girl's names are 3 syllables - all on purpose. 2 are named after butterfly breeds and one is named after my cabbage patch doll.

levi & carter - that never crossed my mind till you said it!

12:44 PM  

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