Monday, August 14, 2006

Shit Happens...

Shit happens as the saying goes.

I personally don’t buy in to this particular theory. Shit really doesn’t just happen. A lot of planning goes in to it.

You have to eat food to produce it for starters. And we all know it’s a fact of life and have planned accordingly. We have books, magazines, and some even have TV’s in their bathrooms all in preparation for it. We buy toilet paper, sprays, and candles in preparation for after it happens.

So why the saying?

It should be “Babies Happen”.

Because try as we may to prevent them, they still can happen.

And thus starts my suit against Durex Condoms…..





At last we were lucky, but I still think I could have a good suit on my hands!!!!

But during the “waiting game” it got me thinking about family, babies, years between birth order, and the number of…on and on….

As everyone is well aware of I have two-year-old twin boys. The plan after their birth was for Chad to get the ole snip-ero..But at the last minute we changed our minds not sure enough that we didn’t want any more.

But here are my concerns and questions that float around in my over boggled mind. Can I handle anymore…? I have a 4 times greater chance of having twins again since I naturally conceived the ones I have… So if its twins again can we afford them and handle them. If I knew for actual certainty that it would be twins again I know I would wait till the boys were in school. But I can’t know for sure.

And if its not twins do I want the baby to be that far apart in age from the boys???? And what if it takes awhile to conceive?? We were lucky the last time we tried once, and BAM!! But after a c-section they say a woman can have a harder time conceiving…

The thing about having had twins is this… You have the two kids most families want in one shot, but at the same time you only get to be pregnant once and go through the baby stage once, (and at such a blur you don’t remember cause there were two!), And in my case no girl.

Many moms have told me not to put too many years between them especially if it isn’t twins cause you wouldn’t want them to feel left out all the time with the boys being so close.

Do you see why I am consistently telling my mind to “SHUT UP ALREADY”!!!

My problem is I’m a planner….. And some things you can’t plan. I hate that about life,

it disturbs me.


Blogger SJ said...

Alright so clarify the point - are you pregnant or just trying?

5:30 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

It's a risk yes( having twins again) but a slight risk. Chances won't but who knows. It's a coin toss an unknown...and what Ian said..

Are you preggers? I can't even adopt a freaking kitten and you're having thoughts of a 3rd child. about different strokes different folks:)

email me offline....

6:16 PM  
Blogger Kate Michele said...

Not pregnant and NOT trying but thinking about the age and spacing and if we want more or if we're done.

Trojan: I'll email you after the boy's bath.....

7:11 PM  
Blogger kimmyk said...

Ok I'm glad that question was answered...thanks Ian.

I got knocked up within 1 month of the doctor giving me the go ahead after delivering adam. my kids are 12 months apart. gah. i had a c-section.

oh yeah, that item you talked with me about?'s a done deal sister.

we started small...hope you like it.

7:17 PM  
Blogger Kate Michele said...

kimmyk: Awww thanks!! You'll have to let me know how much I owe ya!!

How did you and Honey know you were done that your family was complete???

7:28 PM  
Blogger ysfb said...

I'm so not ready to be a dad right now. I think I wanna be one of the guys who have their first kids at 82 so I could feel that I still got it.

8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, first things first, shit happens is just as conceivable as babies happen (ok... pun slightly intended). see, it's something we all plan for yes, but it's something that we have no control over. now, i suppose you could argue the fact that we can "regulate" ourselves, use laxatives, whatever... but all in all, you eat, you poop! it just happens. you can't stop it (well, i guess you could, but it would be REALLY uncomfortable!).
by no means am i saying pregnancy and child birth don't "happen," just that it involves at least one other person and a few more factors to MAKE it happen.
anywho... i know it was weird growing up with the age gap between me and beck to laura. laura was always trying to be so much older than she really was... i think still kind of does occasionally. however, now we are much closer... nearly 20 years later! it will be tough no matter what you do, but God will never give you anything you can't handle... if you are meant to have more, you will and He will provide you with the resources necessary! i truly believe that! best of luck to you in your decision!
ps. speaking of the twins, i'll have to touch up those pics i took while i was home and send them to you. love you and miss you.

1:57 AM  
Blogger Rafael said...

Wow, talk about what goes on in the mind of a woman.

10:05 AM  
Blogger gloria said...

It would seem you have quite a situation on your mind.
I am glad I was on Depo.


I am so glad I only get the baby itch ONCE in a great, great while.

My opinion is: wait until the boys are 3 or 4.

My boy was 4 when my girl arrived.

THe perfect age...they understand that they aren't being replaced...and can help out with the small things.


3:33 AM  
Blogger BRAE said...

Wait till the boys start school. That way you can enjoy the baby stage. Plus there will be enough space between them that they will not have to compete with each other. They will never be in the same school together and blah, blah, blah. But I don't know any different since my kids are 5 years apart. My sister and I are 20 months apart and we hated each other until I was like 14. I mean we HATED each other. So I am glad mine are not close in age.

10:02 AM  

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