Friday, August 11, 2006

Doctors in Boxes....

The need for doctor visits are becoming increasingly unnecessary. With the upraising of more and more “Home testing kits”. But are these a good thing??

Here’s a list of just a few I saw while shopping the other day…… There are pregnancy test, Ovulation test, test for UTI’s, and Yeast infections. I saw a home test to see if women have started menopause yet and if so where there at in it, there’s a test to tell you if you have a ear infection, and there’s even a home test kit you can have sent to you for the purpose of checking your twins DNA… To see if they’re identical for sure or fraternal for sure. Oh and lets not forget the upraising of parents with home drug test kits for their teenagers.

Are all these a good way to lower our medical cost or a scary way of missing something bigger??

I can see how some of the test would be helpful in cutting cost… You wouldn’t want to pay an office visit and lab fees every time your periods off….Its cheaper just to get a test to find out what’s what.

But how accurate are some of these other ones and will it cause people to not only self diagnose but self treat as well? For example what if you take the UTI test and it comes back negative but the symptoms still persist? Why go to the doctor the tests said it was negative….yeah for that particular problem.

And what about all these home drug testing kits? If you feel you need to have your child pee in a cup each night than I think there are other issues at hand than your suspicion he’s on drugs. And you’re using this test to cover up the real issues and get them and the family the help they really need. Taking a pee test every night is not helping them…It will only serve to push them away even further.

The ear infection one is another….Supposedly you look in their ear with this device and then compare what YOU see to the charts that come in the box, to see if what you see is an infection based on the charts. Um yeah, no room for mistakes there….Meanwhile I can see a parent going by this and blaming a mistaken ear infection on teething!!

I guess as I walked through the store and saw more and more “home test”, I couldn’t help but be perplexed. Is this what health care is coming to??

I have trouble affording health care cost and insurance premiums as much as the next guy….But I’d rather be taken care of by a Doctor than a device in a cardboard box you buy at Walmart.


Blogger kimmyk said...

Holy crap I didn't know they made a drug test at home kit? WTF is that about?

You're right-if you're makin your kid pee in a cup-there's alot of trust issues going on and counseling is surely in order.

I'd rather see a doctor for my needs and that of my family. You can't put a price tag on them.

3:20 PM  
Blogger Buzz said...

Big grey area there...

However, when you all first got pregnant, did you go to the doc or run a home test first?

From a medical proffessionals' standpoint, I don't agree with recommending home tests to people. They are spending money to find results, but once those results are seen what do you do next?

I say leave medicine in the hands of the pro's. Repairing drywall, fixing the sink, that's all stuff you can do at home, but medical stuff needs a proffessional...

When are you going to link me?


4:56 PM  
Blogger Anthony said...

I don't see the point in many of those tests. If there's a big enough problem that you need a test, you may as well go to the doctor.

Sooner or later you have to go to either get medicine or treatment of some kind.
Sounds like another bunch of useless products.

8:03 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Well, due to all sue happy fuckers out there, even seeing a doctor can leave you in unsure territory.

Docs spend approx -10 min with each patient and how a person can be accuratly diagnosed in that amount of time is beyond me. It's not the doc's companies are screwing them left and right...

I agree, i'd rather see a doc than take a doc-in-a-box home....but the US needs to take some hints from CAnada...Our system sucks ass.

5:45 PM  
Blogger Kate Michele said...

For real...Hell in Ohio were having an OB crisis!! They can't afford the insurance rates so most just do the GYN part!!!

6:03 PM  
Blogger gloria said...

Scary stuff!

Don't forget the home HIV test.

6:45 PM  
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2:11 PM  

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