Saturday, August 12, 2006

Getting Back To My Roots…

The last few weeks I’ve been going back to church. I grew up in the church, went to this particular one since I was in the 2nd grade or so. Senior year there was a lot of drama with leaders and members and I got a bad taste in my mouth about the whole thing. It just seemed it was full of hypocrites and people who hide behind the term “Christians” as an excuse for really just being judgmental and controlling. It’s taken awhile to find my path back again. It helps in this crazy world to have something and someone to believe in...I have someone and now I have something once again.

But for some reason a few weeks ago I really just wanted to get back to my roots. So I went back….And it was great!! It was the ole church I remember growing up in and I’m excited for the boys to follow!! Every one was so warm and welcoming this time. It was great to see all the people and turns out a lot of people who had left before for what ever reason they had of there own, are starting to come back as well…must have been something others where feeling as well. It was a full house so to speak..just packed!! It seems activities are picking up and they shared about the vacation bible school they had and about the community block party coming up, and how for the first time in a long time they have more volunteers than jobs!! The feeling of getting back to your roots must be flowing through others as well.

I am being a little premature in putting the boys in the nursery, we haven’t gotten their blood work back yet to know how their blood is doing, but I’m praying He’ll watch over them while they’re in there. We were suppose to hear this week, but they couldn’t get a read on the blood they took last week so we have to have it retaken. Arrggghhh I’m so not a good waiter!! Dr. Kishore wants to see them in his office at Akron Children’s Hospital on the 31st and he’ll have them retake it then. I hate waiting to hear if this condition has turned it’s self around…. I would like to put the worry of blood infusions behind me OR start preparing myself for them. It’s a tough thing cause you can’t control it and you can’t change it or make it better, and though I know its not my fault you can’t help but feel that if you’d only kept them in a little longer…… Then maybe……

So anyways that’s what’s new with me, just enjoying my new since of self, looking forward to what the future might be bringing our way and where it might be taking us, finally feeling at peace and getting back to my roots!!


Blogger gloria said...


Glad you have someone to lean on, and a faith to hold your anxieties at bay.


6:43 PM  
Blogger Kate Michele said...

Thank you, its finally comfortable there... You don't feel the looks and moods of others if you talk to someone they don't like and everything. It doesn't seem so high school anymore.

4:15 PM  
Blogger Jes said...

Good for you, Kate!

Sorry to hear about the sucks they have to redo them, but everything for a reason, right??

6:55 PM  

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