Tuesday, September 05, 2006

This is one of the peices I wrote for the book some of us bloggers put together entiled "Fragments"....If you would like to purchase it you can go here. Enjoy....

When it comes to finding our path in life……….. Are we giving ourselves the wrong directions?

When I was a little girl my daddy said, “Katie, you can be whatever you want to be”. As a little girl I didn’t realize what I now know. I have to know what I want to be before I can become it.

Being free to be you and me, as the song goes is becoming increasingly harder. Judgments, criticisms and accusations about our decisions are all we ever hear. With all that out there it’s any wonder that anyone finds their path.

We over rationalize everything from what to have for dinner to what to be in life. I can debate a subject and be both for and against it at the same time. As I’m sure most women can, it’s how we confuse the men in our life. Therefore figuring out our path in life can be tricky. How do we know that we’re not vetoing our path when it’s being presented to us by over rationalizing it? Therefore not seeing what’s right in front of us.

Six years ago at the young age of eighteen, I didn’t sit and plot my life. I didn’t say, in my most perfect and naïve voice,
“In six years I’m going to be a married stay at home mother of twin boys.” However that’s where my life events have brought me. In light of my current life, I can’t help but ask the question…………. Do we choose our paths or does life chose our paths for us?

Growing up my father always told us, “Bloom where you are planted”. Now that I’m an adult I understand that was his way of telling us that we can’t always control life. However we can control how we respond to what it deals our way.

There are some who believe that what happens to you in life makes you who you are. I’m not sure I would agree with that. We all have those moments that life deals us. It’s how you react to them that matter. You can let them define you and your life, or you can view them as just what they were, moments…Memories. And yes, some of those moments changed the course of our lives, but that’s to be expected. You can’t map out the course yourself. We all know our lives can change with every breath we take, but it’s what you do with that one breath that matters.

So maybe our path in life isn’t what we are but who we are. The goodness we are as a person, and the passions that we hold. The person we become in spite of what life deals us. Maybe our path’s directions aren’t found in the career we chose or in the education we chose, but maybe the directions our found within the beauty that is ourselves.


Blogger SJ said...

"The beauty that is ourselves" can so often be tainted by how others react to us though. It is much easier to define ourselves by our job - at least then no one can destroy that by being mean

4:57 PM  
Blogger mike said...

Ah, but SJ, defining yourself by your job is defining yourself by other's expectations. It very well could lead to disillusionment and loss of direction.

7:44 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Katie...that is damn good writing

8:06 PM  
Blogger kimmyk said...

In my opinion I think life chooses our paths. I was a prelaw major then I got pregnant. I couldn't possibly be going to law school with a baby at home. I chose motherhood over my dream of being a hot shot corporate lawyer. I often wonder where I'd be if I stuck to my life plan I had made for myself. But then the memories I hold of my children when they were little are more gratifying then standing in any courtroom I could imagine. Or so that's what I tell myself when I wonder..."what if..."

I still need to order that book, but when I remember I forget. Old age?

8:23 PM  
Blogger ysfb said...

I say life chooses our path. I live one day at a time and hope life puts me on the right path. So far that path started off rocky but now things are a lot smoother. I like this path and I see nothing but good things coming my way, I hope.

3:33 PM  

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