Monday, April 10, 2006

The Check Point..........

Well I thought I would update you all on my life.... I know I know It's just sooo exciting it should be a reality show, I'm telling ya!! So anywhos... Friday was Levi's ENT appointment and man was that fun....For real the bastard Doctor blew us completely off. He acted as if he was annoyed we we're even there, and that there was a 21 monther in he's precious office!! He was rude he's staff was rude, for the love he hardly even looked in Levi's nose!!! It was a waste of my time and money! I came straight home and put a call into he's peds doctor.... She's to call me today after the office closes cause she wasn't in on Friday. I was so pissed off though!! All he did was give him yet another antibiotic to take as maintenance! I was not comfortable with that at all and He's peds office was really surprised at that as well. So we're not sure what our next step is though Dr. Casper, that's he ped, had mentioned Cleveland Clinic before. So that might be our next trip. That and if blood count is still off, their immune systems never matured, we're also off to an immunologist. Oh fun, Oh joy<<<>

In other news: I finally found something I can do to help others. I've been wanting to get involved with a charity of some kind for quite some time now, However the demands on my time, finances, and energy are strong. But I finally found something I can do!! Lock of Love!! It wont take any extra time no money, which is good cause I don't have any, and almost no energy. For those who aren't familiar with the organization.... You grow out your hair, then cut it and send it in to them and they make wigs out of it for children going through chemo radiation or who have diseases that take away all their hair. Its really a good cause. Sounds easy enough right? Well you might not know this but I change my hair alot!! So restaining from cutting it till I have at least 10 inches to send in, that's the minimum, is going to be hard for me. But its good it will give me something to work for and feel good I accomplished when I send it in, and help a little kido feel good about themselves..... I'm really commented to this!! Check them out.... There's a link at the right......
This evening is my doctor appointment with my neurologist, so I'm off to put a shirt on that doesn't have mushed up "abc" pretzels on it, courtesy of little Levi..... Thanks Buddy!!!


Blogger Kate Michele said...

Mos.. Or should I call you Mark? Heheh..anywhos.... I did tell them on the way out that I didn't appriciate the rudness of their staff, though I didn't say anything to the doctor. I might just have to call up their, It might make me feel better!! Thanks for the good idea!!

8:18 AM  

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