Saturday, July 01, 2006

Just A Thought......

Is there really real talent or is talent just the opinion of an adoring fan? I may think that one singer or artist is talented and you may think they don't have talent at all but that a different person does. But that doesn't mean the other artist has any less talent than the other just cause someone doesn't care for it. So the thought is..... Is there talented people, OR are they just lucky people who met the right person who got them started....... So is it more Luck than talent, meaning the right people thought they were talented? Just a thought......

Wow I've either crossed a whole new level of craziness or all these cold and asthma meds are making me a brilliant philosopher!!

Ummm....Yeah, bed..... I need to go to bed, bed is good.........


Blogger kimmyk said...

I think its in how they [marketing execs] think they can market someone. Take Britney for example. I don't think she's that great of a singer, but she was extremely marketable. Being a blonde, young, thin and big boobs. Did people enjoy her music as much as they enjoyed looking at her? Not sure, but I somehow doubt it.

I'd rather listen to Tori Amos, but she's one who isn't as marketable as Brit. But a far better singer if you ask me.

I don't know if I answered your question though. I was sorta dazed and confused after reading and re-reading it to make sure I did get it right. LOL!

Sorry to hear you're sick....seems to be going around. Just keep it up there cause I still have mine...TYVM.

5:56 AM  
Blogger Kate Michele said...

Kimmyk: YES!! Thats how I feel, it seems those who I think are the most talented aren't marketed to the masses.....Maybe its better that way, then they can stay true to themselfs and their art. I LOVE Tori Amos!!!

Thanks I'm starting to feel a little better..... Um I'm slow but what does TYVM?? I feel like the girl in the cafateria that smiles but doesnt' 'get' the joke! LOL

10:20 AM  
Blogger mike said...

Justin Wilson, who was a cajun comedian and chef, used to say, "A good wine, is a wine you like to drink."

Taking that further, good art is art that you like to look at, good music is music you like to listen to.

Of course there is a difference between trendy and art. I don't let the media tell me what is cool anymore. I decide for myself.

As my Sis in Law likes to say, "There ain't no accounting for taste." Thank goodness for that ... or I'd never get a date.

3:10 PM  
Blogger SJ said...

I think talent definately exists, but in a lot of cases it has nothing to do with success. KimmyK is right when she talks about marketing. It used to be that talent was necessary for success; in today's world this isn't so anymore - these days talent is the ability to do something well, but success is all down to marketing.

4:01 PM  
Blogger Anthony said...

Talent is not an objective viewpoint, for sure. Subjectivity is the reason Baskin-Robbins makes 31 flavors of ice cream.

Having 'more or less' talent isn't really the issue, although one wonders how some people get where they are. There are lots of comedians I don't laugh at, but sell-out shows every night.

And, as popular as any TV show is, only a small fraction of Americans are watching.

6:20 PM  
Blogger kimmyk said...

TYVM=Thank You Very Much.

Sorry. Too much time spent online in chat rooms has turned my vocabulary into one letter words.

8:42 PM  
Blogger Kala said...

I think its a little of both but maybe more luck than talent? I dunno but I sure think theres some luck with getting strate, meeting the right people to get you in, then the talent to impress enough of the masses to keep ya there - or you simply become a one hit wonder and disappear

8:20 AM  

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